***2015*** Happy New Year!


H – Here’s to a year full of joy.

A – Anticipate great things to come your way.

P – Pray for our President and troops near and far.

P – Pray for each other.

Y – Yes, I believe we are still ONE NATION UNDER GOD.

N – Now is the time for change.

E – Enjoy each moment – the next is not promised.

W – We can overcome: The dream is NOT dead.

Y – Yearn for world peace and do your part to see it come to pass.

E – Each day is a blessing – OWN IT!

A – Are you ready for 2015 and all that it has to offer?

R – Reach for and embrace the person closest to you and tell them you love them.

Have a FABULOUS 2015, everyone! I am excited for YOU and the possibilities ahead!

BRING IT ON, 2015!

The Landscape Had Forever Changed

As we prepare to close out 2014 and march gallantly forward into 2015, there was an occasion today that caused me pause and reflection…


On my regular route to drop my husband off at work, the landscape had changed. The change may not have been noticed by some. Others may have noticed and not given it another thought. Me? I embraced a much deeper meaning that I would like to share with you.


The area I live in has only one do-it-yourself car wash. During the warmer months, cars would line up and patiently wait their turn to splash their vehicles with the power wash and colorful soaps (I was one of them). Today, I drove past where the car wash used to stand. Why is this a big deal? Just yesterday, the wash bays – all five of them – were standing tall and being used…even during the cold snap we are currently having (no lines of cars this time around; just a few die-hards). Less than 24 hours later, all that stood was a fence around what used to be ‘the place to be’ for do-it-yourself car-washers.

One day. A matter of hours. The landscape had forever changed. That one moment in time – my passing of the now former wash – had prompted me to silently reflect back on 2014 and how fast life happens. The saying goes, “Time stands still for no one.” I couldn’t agree more. This past year has been an emotional rollercoaster. The trials, successes, losses, and gains have all been taken in stride in preparation for the next big moment of my life. Yesterday’s gone. Today is here – soon to become a ‘yesterday’. I’m ready for whatever tomorrow may bring. I recognize there are things out of my control – and again, the landscape just might be forever be changed in the blink of an eye.


Today is Tuesday, December 30, 2014. Less than 48 hours from now, 2015 will bring about new adventures and endless possibilities. Will YOU embrace change? Are you ready? I AM!

From my family to yours: Have a wonderful, safe, and HAPPY New Year, fellow bloggers and followers! I wish you the greatest of successes in 2015 and beyond! God bless!